Danielle and Mohamed: The Original Mess - Page 38 - The Couples (Spoilers)
What I think Dinyell needs:
1. To really let go of her obsession and issues with Mahammit. If the money is not going to make or break you, then let it go--your health and the embarrassment are not worth it. Do a few more TLC episodes if you have to, to make up the money.
2. Put men on the back burner for a year. Don’t go to bars, and do stay off online dating sites. Instead, dedicate yourself to finishing school, raising your kids and being a good role model, and getting a good job. I think people would be very supportive if they heard that from you. Try getting active in a church and being with women friends who have something to talk about other than Mahammit and picking up guys. Looking for strange men off the Internet--who do not treat you well because of how you feel about and present yourself--is not the answer to loneliness.
3. As part of #2, dedicate yourself to getting healthy for a year. Join a gym and work with a trainer (probably could get for free in exchange for publicity), get a makeover (better haircut and color, makeup, stylish glasses or contact lenses), revamp your diet (see a nutritionist), and get some therapy or coaching with someone who doesn’t put up with unlimited moaning about the past. I don’t care if this comment sounds superficial, virtually any woman can spruce herself up, especially if she is going to be job hunting and dating as goals.
4. Don’t chase men. Case in point: being the one to drive 6 hours to meet a man, AT HIS HOUSE, who you have never met. What do you think he would expect? How safe is this? (Rhetorical Qs.) Put away the online sites for a year, and stay off Mahammit’s social media or block it. When it is time to date again, date locally. From Toledo to Cleveland there should be plenty of choices.
Edited July 26, 2018 by TunefulOCD editor