Video: Sister Wendy Nelson shares how the Lord brought her and President Nelson together

Publish date: 2024-07-25

Sister Wendy Nelson has many titles — doctor, gerontologist, and marriage and family therapist being just a few. But one she didn't expect was being the wife of President Russell M. Nelson.

In a Church News video, Sister Nelson described the early stages of getting to know her husband, who was then a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles.

"In my own mind, I had wrestled with it and was quite certain there was no possible way that could be right," she said.

Seeking personal revelation on the matter in a mountain retreat, Sister Nelson fasted and prayed to have the "heavens open" so she could be guided by the Lord to know what to do. After communing with both nature and the Lord, Sister Nelson said she found her answer.

"I knew in three different ways that the Lord's will was for this potential relationship with Elder Russell M. Nelson," she stated.

Being the wife of the now prophet of the Church hasn't always been easy, Sister Nelson continued. And yet, she and President Nelson have had many experiences that have made them thankful the Lord brought them together.

"I'm astonished, amazed, thrilled, excited every day to know that the Lord is as eager to give revelation to me as he is to give revelation to His prophet," she said. "Well, that applies to all of us."

See more Church News videos here.
