Who is Archangel Uriel? The Angel of Truth
Have you ever wondered who is watching over you? Are you receiving signs from your angels, but perhaps you are not sure which ones? You have so many angels watching out for you, ones you may not even know of yet!
One of the many watchers looking out for you is the Archangel Uriel. But what might his message be? Why might you wish to recognize and connect with such a divine being?
Let’s learn about this Archangel together.
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Who is Archangel Uriel?
Archangel Uriel is one of the primary Archangels dedicated to protecting and preserving humanity. He resides and works hard to watch over us with Archangels Raphael, Michael, and Gabriel.
Messages of Archangel Uriel
Archangel Uriel is an angel of truth, wisdom, and the faith to seek both of these things. He is there to help you on your path to better connect to the divine or helps you hear divine messages and presence.
Uriel is also associated with service. Just like he serves us, Archangel Uriel connects to us best when we are serving others. He knows the importance of the truth, of knowledge, and how it matters most when it is shared. The divine message cannot simply be known by all of us; it must be shared, and Archangel Uriel values service greatly.
Uriel is after the root of all truth, both personal, professional, and divine. Have you ever been scared to hear the truth? Archangel Uriel may be viewed as frightening for this reason and this reason only.
He may appear when you are not ready or not expecting to hear the truth. Don’t ignore his signs and promptings, and don’t fear him! The truth may be hard to hear, but it is so important to listen and allow change into your heart.
Archangel Uriel would never guide you along an uncertain path without reason. He is there to support you along your journey, allowing you to speak your truth and become the best version of yourself.
As I’m sure you’ve heard before, truth will set you free. Archangel Uriel wants you to cast off whatever is holding you back and become your most honest self!
Guidance of Archangel Uriel
Uriel’s name translates to “light of God”, which means nothing short of illuminating for you on your journey. Archangel Uriel is guiding you to find your truth, and that includes shining a light on what might be negatively affecting your journey.
He will appear to you and may show you the many imperfections in your life. He may also appear very suddenly and powerfully, like lightning. He is there to give you a spark of inspiration, and show you something you may not have noticed before now.
You may find yourself feeling like your life is under a microscope, being analyzed and adjusted according to Uriel’s wishes. Don’t fight this feeling; embrace what he knows to be truth and light. Trust in his wisdom and you will benefit greatly!
How to Recognize Archangel Uriel
Like most messages from our angels, it may prove difficult to recognize that Archangel Uriel is reaching out to us. However, there are many signs and messages that could mean he is trying to get in touch.
It’s all a matter of knowing the signs and getting into the habit of seeing those signs!
Archangel Uriel reaches out most commonly through prophetic visions. What might this mean for you? Our angels communicate frequently through our dreams, as we are more susceptible to listening to our angels while in a sleep state.
But how can you tell a prophetic message from a dream, let alone a message from Uriel himself? Thankfully Archangel Uriel has a few other signs and tells so that you can know of his presence easily, without hesitation!
Often associated with electricity due to the way he sparks our minds with inspiration, Uriel may be found in conjunction with strange electrical occurrences. He may appear when your lightbulbs flicker or more likely to manifest on days that have thunderstorms in the forecast.
In a less literal sense, you may feel Uriel’s presence and recognize him when performing duties that he directly deals with and appreciates.
For example, if you are serving others and feel a warm light upon you, this may be Uriel telling you that you are doing well. He may also lend you his presence when you are studying, performing any sort of self-help or improvement, and he may guide you down the proper path if you are doing some truth-seeking!
Physical Form
Some people report seeing Archangel Uriel in a physical form, though of course no definitive identity has been recorded.
Like all angels, Uriel appears differently to each individual. He may manifest in a more pleasing physical form, but he may remain as energy, light, or simply a vision or memory. Uriel’s energy has been reported to feel very driving and certain, a more masculine energy than other angels.
Much like the truth, Archangel Uriel’s presence may be overwhelming and unexpected, but he is only appearing to you in order to help you and assist in whatever truth you desire to seek. If you know you are seeking answers but don’t know where to begin, keep your eyes out for signs from Uriel himself!
Archangel Uriel Number
As Archangel Uriel appears when you are seeking a higher truth and personal connection with the Divine, number 1 can’t help but spring to mind. This is obviously the number of the self, a number of personal growth and strength.
Uriel brings with him the light of God and his divine teachings, and so the angel number 111 is most strongly associated with Uriel
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are directly linked to 111, and Uriel holds their light inside of him. He is able to show us this light without harming us and believes in us to utilize this amazing knowledge to better ourselves.
It’s time for you to stand up, and place yourself on a pedestal! Others will be drawn to you and desire your advice or wisdom. This is the time for your path to change and for the better! With Archangel Uriel’s help, you can accomplish anything.
The number 1 may be about self-improvement, and Uriel desires you to help yourself first. However, Uriel also understands the importance of serving others.
Only you can connect to people in your own special, individual way. No one can serve others the way you can serve others, whether it be through hard physical work, sharing your own knowledge or experiences, or a compassionate hug.
There is nothing like serving your fellow man, through little or big acts of kindness and strength. Angel number 111 is all about authenticity and expressing that accordingly.
Uriel believes in you and your most honest self! There is no need to be someone else in order to accomplish your dreams and better yourself as well as others.
How to Connect with Archangel Uriel
There are many ways to connect to Archangel Uriel, depending on what you are comfortable with. Prayer is usually the most obvious choice, but some other angel signs and symbols can be utilized in order to maximize your connection to Archangel Uriel himself! Having an altar or sacred space as well as a familiarity with meditation are also useful here.
Angel Number 111
If you have been seeing angel number 111 frequently, Archangel Uriel may already be reaching out to you through this number.
It directly corresponds to him and is an easy sign your angels can send in order to alert you to their presence. Pay attention and notice the signs of this number. If you see it repeating often, Uriel may be trying to tell you something!
You can also utilize this number in order to call upon Archangel Uriel. Write it down, place it on your altar, and imbue it with the intention of reaching out to Uriel.
He may hear you and respond with the number in his own way. Never forget the value of meditation and concentration when it comes to angel numbers; a little extra effort goes a long way!
Angel Color Red
Archangel Uriel is associated with the color red and by extension the red angel light ray. This means Uriel may be more likely to connect with certain objects, days, or symbols.
The red angel light ray speaks directly to service and serving those in need with your wisdom and inspirational self. You may feel more connected to Archangel Uriel if you are serving others!
Different crystals can be used to connect to Archangel Uriel as well. Given his control over the red angel light ray, some crystals directly correspond to this.
Some of them are amber, basalt, and fire opal. Keeping some of these crystals on your altar or in your home, charged and imbued with intent, may help you connect to Archangel Uriel.
Friday is the day of the week associated with the red angel light ray. This would be the most optimum day for prayer, meditation, and charging of your crystals to best reflect and call upon Uriel.
Of course, you may reach out to him on any day, whenever you are in need, but if you are unused to calling upon your angels, choosing their preferred day of the week always helps your connection!
Archangel Uriel Prayer
Just like people desire to connect to God or the Divine through prayer, our angels prefer prayer to better hear us too! Archangel Uriel is no exception, and there are many variations of prayer you can do to try to connect to him and hear his wisdom.
Meditation and concentration are important when it comes to prayer, so try to maintain honesty and a clear mind when reaching out!
You may pray to Archangel Uriel about anything, but there are of course things he is an expert in, a master you might say!
If you aren’t looking to achieve what is listed below in the prayers, you may find a different angel that better suits your troubles. Someone will always be there to listen, but some angels are more skilled in specific issues than others.
Here are some prayers most suiting Archangel Uriel.
A Prayer for Truth
If you can’t see clearly regarding a specific situation, pray to Uriel for help seeing the truth:
Dear Archangel Uriel, please help me to see this situation clearly. Please show me what I might be missing or what might be hidden from me so that I might grow and change. Thank you.
A Prayer for Service
Archangel Uriel values your own individuality and how you might benefit others through service:
Dear Archangel Uriel, how might I best dedicate myself to others? In what ways can I serve those around me to bring more joy and knowledge into the world, and in turn serve you? Thank you.
A Prayer for Knowledge
Feeling uncertain about your own knowledge and how best to share it? Uriel can help guide you:
Dear Archangel Uriel, in what ways can I share my thoughts and knowledge with others? What message do you and God desire me to share, and how can I deepen my own understanding of your message? Thank you.
A Prayer for Strength
If you are not feeling strong in your own individuality, Archangel Uriel can help bolster your courage:
Dear Archangel Uriel, please help me be strong in myself and my self-worth. Please boost my confidence so that I might best assist your light to spread throughout the world. Thank you.
Feel Archangel Uriel’s Truth
Archangel Uriel is an angel of truth, of knowledge, and how we can best serve others with these traits. If you sense his presence, now may be the time to address potential deception in your life as well as the time to serve others the best way you can.
Have you ever felt Archangel Uriel’s presence? Has he come to you during a time of great need and surprised you, like a bolt of lightning? Tell us about your experiences in the comments below!