4 Powerful Dream Interpretation Tarot Spreads

Publish date: 2024-08-05

As someone with a keen interest in Tarot cards and dream interpretation, I have often wondered if we are able to understand our dreams with Tarot. It has always seemed pretty natural, as both Tarot and dreams are incredibly spiritual. So, after years of wondering, I recently decided to try out dream interpretation Tarot spreads!

Dream interpretation is super important to me, as it allows me to connect with my subconscious and work out what I need to do in my waking world in order to be fulfilled and happy.

I was actually really impressed with the connection I found between my dreams and my Tarot cards. By using Tarot cards to understand both my recurrent dreams and the random dreams I have, I began to understand my subconscious much more clearly!

So, what are some dream interpretation Tarot spreads that are great for both beginner and expert readers?

Table of Contents

Why Should We Use Tarot Cards For Dream Interpretation?

Firstly, I just want to say why we should practice dream interpretation Tarot spreads. It has a lot to do with why we dream and what the Tarot helps us with.

There are so many different psychological and spiritual theories on why we dream, and there is no true answer. Psychologists such as Freud suggest that dreams reveal hidden truths and fears that are buried deep in our subconsciousness.

Other more spiritual theories behind dreaming suggest that when we dream, we can connect with higher levels of consciousness and get messages from our spirit guides.

Whichever way we understand dreams to be, we can all agree that dreams are important and help guide us in our waking lives.

However, dreams can be pretty difficult to understand. This is where Tarot cards come in! Our dreams will often use symbolism and imagery to express our subconsciousness. We will often wake up pretty confused about the point of our dreams.

However, because we are spiritually connected with our Tarot cards, the cards can link with our subconsciousness and soul in order to reveal the answers behind our dreams.

Dream Interpretation Tarot Spreads

Now we understand why Tarot is a great tool for dream interpretation, we can look at some brilliant dream interpretation Tarot spreads.

3 Card Dream Interpretation Tarot Spread

If you have just started to use dream interpretation Tarot spreads, a simple three-card spread is a perfect way to get into this type of dream interpretation. This Tarot spread is good for a general understanding of a one-off dream that has made you wake up a little bit confused.

The first card drawn in this Tarot spread refers to the cause of the dream. This is the thing in your waking life that your subconsciousness is bothered by. It may be to do with work, your family life, or your relationships. This card is usually pretty self-explanatory and easy to understand.

The second card pulled is the hidden meaning or background for the dream. Understanding this card might take a little bit of thought, as this typically is something that is buried in your subconsciousness.

Perhaps you have a dream that you are giving birth. Let’s imagine that the first card you pull is the Eight of Pentacles. This card is all about ambition, craft, and diligence. When considering this in regard to dreaming about giving birth, you can understand the dream to be about your hard-working pushing you to a new life.

However, what if you pull the Seven of Cups for the second card? Because this card is all about being overwhelmed with choices, we can understand your subconscious to be a bit confused about where you are actually wanting to go in your life! You are putting in all the hard work, but are a bit confused about what opportunity to pursue.

The third card pulled refers to real-life action that you can take in order to move forward from the emotions of this dream. Let’s follow our situation above, and say you pulled the Wheel of Fortune. Because this card is all about letting things flow and following the universe, it suggests that your confusion about what opportunities to follow will soon make sense. Follow the rhythm of the universe!

5 Card Dream Interpretation Tarot Spread

In this dream interpretation Tarot spread, we can go a little bit deeper into the hidden meanings behind our dreams.

In this Tarot spread, the first card pulled refers to the waking world situation that causes the dream. This can refer to a single event, or a situation that you find yourself in.

The second card pulled is all about your subconsciousness. It will show you the deep desires and fears that you have about the situation or circumstance the dream involves.

The third card pulled signifies the connection between your conscious mind and your subconscious mind. It will link the first and second cards together to create a deeper understanding of your true emotions.

It is important to meditate on this card for a while, looking at it from different perspectives. It may be hard at first to fully understand what the Tarot is telling you, but with deep thought and contemplation, things will soon begin to get clearer.

The fourth card refers to the true message behind your dream. It shows you what your subconsciousness or higher spirit guides are trying to tell you.

Finally, the fifth card refers to the real-life application of your dream. It provides you with guidance in order to move on and develop.

3 Card Dream Symbolism Tarot Spread

Symbolism and imagery are really important in dream interpretation. This is because our subconsciousness uses things that we experience in our day-to-day lives in order to send us messages.

If a certain symbol keeps popping up in your dreams, use this three-card Tarot spread in order to understand what your subconsciousness is trying to tell you.

The first card pulled is the main card in order to understand the symbolism in your dreams. It shows you what it represents in your life.

The second card pulled reveals your emotions about the symbol, and how it reflects in your subconsciousness.

The third card pulled represents the deeper message of the symbol you are dreaming of. It combines both the first and second cards in order to understand what your subconsciousness is truly telling you.

This Tarot card reading takes time to really get a hang of, so let’s look at an example in order to explain what the different cards represent.

Perhaps you are having dreams about bees. We know that bees typically represent something in our social life, but we need to do a Tarot card reading in order to fully understand what the dream is all about!

Let’s say the first card you pull is the Devil. This card is all about addiction and bondage, suggesting that we are tied to material focus. So, what might this mean in regard to the symbolism of bees?!

Well, I think that this card suggests the bees symbolize a destructive relationship in your life. This is because bees in dreams often represent our social life. Maybe you think that this relationship is good and fulfilling, but there is definitely some negative energy there that needs to be addressed.

So, what about your emotions about the dreams you are having? Let’s say you pulled the Nine of Wands for the second card. Because this card is all about courage and stamina, perhaps it is suggesting that you are a strong-willed person who always has passion and determination in life. It suggests that you think that you are strong enough to ignore the negativity that this relationship brings.

For the third card, let’s say you get the Ten of Wands. This card reflects burden and struggles. When put together with the first and second cards, it definitely suggests that your subconsciousness is telling you that maybe you are not as strong as you think! If you carry on putting up with this negative person, you will soon begin to feel extremely burdened.

4 Card Tarot Spread For PSychological and Spiritual Dream Interpretation

Remember how I said that there are both spiritual and psychological theories behind dream interpretation? Well, I actually think that both are pretty important, and we can believe that dreams have both spiritual and psychological causes.

This four-card Tarot spread for dream interpretation allows us to look at both the spiritual and psychological meaning behind our dreams.

The first card pulled in this Tarot spread refers to the cause of the dream. The card is usually pretty self-explanatory and reflects the issues in our waking life that have caused the dream to occur.

The second card pulls allows us to figure out if there are any spiritual messages that we have received during this dream. It can be our spirit guides wanting to provide us with advice in regard to what the dream is about.

The third card pulled refers to the psychological messages of the dreams. This card reveals to us our subconscious fears and desires, giving us clues to the reason we are having our dreams.

The final card pulled provides us with guidance on moving forward and learning from the dream. It helps us understand the overall message of our dream and the real-life actions we must take.

This card might not be that obvious at first, so take time in meditating on the card. If you want, pick some more cards out of the deck to go with the fourth card. They can help you gain clarity on what the Tarot is trying to tell you.

Use Tarot to Understand Your Dreams

I am really impressed with how well Tarot can link with the dream world. It takes a little practice at first, but once you begin, you will really begin to rely on the cards to understand your dreams!

These four dream interpretation Tarot spreads are the perfect way to start understanding your dreams, allowing you to gain clarity and guidance. Good Luck!
